How Much Does YouTube Pay for 2 Million Views? (Made for kids)

Amit Surti
2 min readSep 1, 2023


The amount of money YouTube pays for 2 million views of a video made for kids in India depends on a number of factors, including the following:

  • The CPM (cost per mille, or cost per 1,000 views) of the video. The CPM is determined by a variety of factors, including the type of content, the target audience, and the advertiser demand.
  • The average view duration. Videos with longer average view durations tend to be more valuable to advertisers, so they will pay a higher CPM.
  • The click-through rate (CTR). The CTR is the percentage of viewers who click on an ad. Videos with higher CTRs also tend to be more valuable to advertisers.

In general, a YouTube creator can expect to earn between INR 200 and INR 500 per 1,000 views of a video made for kids in India. This means that a video with 2 million views could potentially earn between INR 80,000 and INR 100,000. ($1000*) However, it’s important to note that this is just an estimate, and the actual earnings could be higher or lower.

Here are some other factors that can affect how much money a YouTube creator makes from their videos:

  • The number of subscribers the creator has. Channels with more subscribers tend to get more views, which means they can earn more money from advertising.
  • The watch time of the channel. Channels with longer watch times are more likely to be recommended by YouTube, which can lead to more views and more money.
  • The quality of the content. Well-made and engaging videos are more likely to get views and earn money.
  • The monetization settings of the channel. Creators can choose to enable certain types of ads on their videos, which can affect their earnings.

It’s also important to remember that YouTube takes a cut of the advertising revenue generated by videos. The cut is typically 45%, so the creator will only keep 55% of the money earned from ads.

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