The Truth About Food Logging: Will Keeping Track Of What You Eat Help You Lose Weight?

Amit Surti
3 min readApr 4, 2022


Do you ever feel like you’re not getting the most out of your diet? Maybe you’re not tracking everything as closely as you should be.

But what if there was a method to get all of the information you need about your food without remembering any set rules?

That’s where food logging comes in.

One of the advantages of food logging is that it can help you better understand your eating habits.

By maintaining track of what, when, and how much you eat, you can start to see patterns and make healthier choices.

When looking into different ways to track your food intake, consider using a food logbook or app. These tools make it easy for you to document everything from the type and brand of food you’re eating to the time and date consumed.

Why keep a food log?

Logging your food can be a beneficial tool in managing your diet. By tracking what you eat, you can reasonably understand what foods contribute to your weight and health problems. A food log can also help you make healthier choices when done correctly.

What to include in your food log

Food logging can help you identify what foods give you the nutrients and energy you need to stay healthy. When creating your food log, be sure to list all of the food items that you ate and the type and quantity of each.

Some tips for recording your food log:

- List everything that was eaten, including sides and drinks.

- Write down when and where the food was eaten.

- Note the ingredients used in any recipes or dishes.

- Rate how hungry or full you were after eating each item.

- Use a calorie counter or measuring cup to calculate your daily intake of nutrients and calories.

When to keep a food log

Check your food log regularly to see if any patterns or trends are emerging. This will assist you in making better findings regarding what to eat and how much.

How to keep a food log

Keeping a food log can help you understand what you are eating and how it affects your body. There are many different food log apps available for free or for a fee, so find the best one for you.

Some people prefer to keep their logs in a book, while others use an online tracker. Whatever way works best for you, write down everything you eat and drink each day.

This information will help you to understand your diet and make healthier choices.


In conclusion, keeping a food journal is an effective way to monitor your eating habits, identify problem areas, and make changes.

It can also help you stay on track when trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

If you are not currently keeping a food journal, I encourage you to try it. You may be surprised by what you learn about your eating habits.



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